Posts tagged endangered species

Celebrate Endangered Species Day on May 15, 2009!

It seems that spring time is just rife with holidays to celebrate the world around us:

Endangered Species Day is an opportunity for people young and old to learn about the importance of protecting endangered species and everyday actions that people can take to help protect our nation’s disappearing wildlife and last remaining open space. Protecting America’s wildlife and plants today is a legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren, so that all Americans can experience the rich variety of native species that help to define our nation.

Endangered Species Day is the third Friday of May. Every year, thousands of people throughout the country celebrate Endangered Species Day at parks, wildlife refuges, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, libraries, schools and community centers. You can participate in festivals, field trips, park tours, community clean-ups, film showings, classroom presentations, and many other fun and educational activities.

See if there is an event near you or use their toolkit to create programs for groups in your area.  There is also an Endangered Species Art Contest available on their website.

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